Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yet Another Day!

As usual i woke up late today... had a verbal fight with my mommy darling (I have stopped bothering about these things now a days)...then brushed my teeth and had breakfast...then I was wondering whether to take a bath or not (such a lazy soul I am).

Then finally thought of pulling up my socks and without any fail thought of "studying".
Began with eighteenth century literature... my mind started wavering in the philosophical thoughts of Daddy Wordsworth(as Jimmy porter addresses him), William Blake, Coleridge and Byron...from a lazy soul I became almost a dead soul....these philosophical notions do not get inside my head...

Then finally I settled down with Osborne's "Look Back In Anger"...such a wonderful play that it is....about an angry young man Jimmy Porter who has a problem with the system(society) that he is living in.... hopefully by the next two days I will finish "critically" reading this text...
As university internals are knocking at the doors some serious work is to be done from my end.... lets see whether I can score well this time or not...

Well well I'll try to upload something interesting in my next post...till then cheers... and keep smiling...