Thursday, September 10, 2009


By the windowpane, she was searching a drop of Rain
She looked beyond the horizon
Could she fly there?
A caged bird, she dreamed...
A bird that wanted a life
Of her own.
In gloom, she waited for Rain,
Would the rain wash away this gloom?
She was searching a drop of Rain.
She looked around,
Saw a bunch of children playing near….
Prancing and playful mirth crowded
About her, she walked back down memory
She joined the little ones like a bird
Set free from a cage

Rains came pouring in
Her long wait was gone
She was finding herself again
She lived back the days
When she would freely take on the rains with her friends,
Memory of chai and bhuttas saw tear- drops out of her eyes.

She started paddling her feet in the rain waters
She thanked God for the cage
was a distant memory and
that she was reincarnated as a daughter of
Mother Nature